• The EOS Group aims to retain talent in the long term.
  • More responsibility and autonomy improve employee engagement.
  • Group-wide programs encourage knowledge-sharing between the various companies.
A company’s greatest asset is its people. Their capabilities, their dedication, and their passion are the prerequisites for achieving and sustaining commercial success. This is why, in its capacity as an attractive employer, the EOS Group does a lot to get young talent on board and retain it long-term.

Empowerment is a key prerequisite for achieving this. Employees are empowered to represent their interests independently and act with autonomy. To support this, EOS has established and expanded countless programs for employees in recent years that are not just designed to impart knowledge and skills but to create an open corporate culture as well. A culture that encourages people to grow, learn and actively contribute, and that fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

NXT International Talent Process 

You need to identify your potential in order to fully realize it. Following a successful pilot in Germany, the EOS Group rolled out its NXT International Talent Process internationally in fiscal 2022/23.
On the basis of their potential and performance, 92 top talents from 17 group companies were selected to take part in the one-year development program. Among other things, the program includes a Harrison Assessment, which uses 156 factors (traits) to compare the requirements of positions throughout the Group with the skills of employees. Other features of the program include Group-wide networking events, participation in internal TED-style presentations on the core business, and learning modules on topics like negotiation or coaching skills.

EOS Young Professionals

Anyone wanting to lead personnel and departments in the long term cannot rely on their professional skills alone. They also need experience, a large network, and insights into various cultures and different leadership styles – especially in an international group. In the “Young Professionals” program, trainees obtain unique insights into the world of EOS over a period of two years. The new talents spend six months working in an individually determined home department, six months in Division Management Western Europe, another six months in Division Management Eastern Europe, and three to six months in one of our 24 international subsidiaries.

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nurse, doctor, wrinkle, production-line, counter
Interview Arthur Pervy
Skrýt detaily
Interview Arthur Pervy

Level Up! peer coaching

Generally, people learn from other colleagues. “Level Up!” is therefore intended to help create an atmosphere in the company in which managing directors, senior executives and talents listen to one another and share knowledge, ideas and inspiration. To this end, participants learn basic coaching techniques and get the opportunity to try them out in “safe spaces”. The objective is not to train managers and talents to be professional coaches but to empower them to identify and uncover the potential of their team members and help them create new ideas and solutions.

EOS Academy

To be able to adapt to new circumstances you need to be constantly learning. This is why EOS launched the EOS Academy in fiscal 2022/23. It not only develops and coordinates individual programs like “Level Up!” and “Masterplan”, but also offers ongoing courses where all employees within the group can acquire knowledge to improve their performance and actively shape interdisciplinary exchanges. The aim is to have as much relevance to practice as possible, so course content is guided by employee demand. To date, for example, the Academy has offered English language courses and seminars in negotiating. It also organizes IT training for managers who do not work in IT, to spread an understanding of new technologies across departments that EOS leverages to remain successful on the market.

Masterplan learning platform

EOS wants to encourage self-directed learning. Via the online platform Masterplan, therefore, Group employees have the opportunity to independently access and use a wide range of course content. As well as internal company content like “The EOS Brand”, the platform also offers high-quality videos with industry experts on topics like digital transformation, soft skills, human resources, and so on.
Carina Bonde, Corporate Communications & Marketing

Carina Bonde
Corporate Communications & Marketing

Telefon: + 49 173 2979331


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Photo credits: EOS